Tag Archives: food habits

Speaking of culture

Brief sumary of a conversation we had a couple of times the last weeks he was here:

Joe – It’s raining
Me – yeah?
Joe – But it’s August!
Me – …. yes?
Brief silence
Joe – Your weather sucks

It never ocured to me before that how different our backgrounds actually are in some ways. He’s from a place where it doesn’t rain in summer. I, on the other hand, have been honestly surprised that this summer hasn’t been rainier. It’s been an unusually nice summer.

It’s always the little things. He doesn’t take his shoes of right away when coming inside, wich is kind of frowned upon here. Every time i put ketchup on pasta, wich is a thing we do here, he stares at me like I’d killed a baby goat in front of him.

It’s really interesting to discover that all of these things I’ve always been taking for granted is completly unfamilliar for other people. I like getting new perspectives, and hopefully this excperience will be usefull for me in the future.

Until then I’m just going to laugh at the memory of Joe’s horrified exprecions over some of my food habits. Yes honey, you can have pancakes for dinner. It’s perfectly normal Thursday food.